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comments (29)

Lizard should be happy!

Hello My Fellow Bier Brothers:
I am here to correct some errors that were made by some of you yesterday:
#1 - Sasquatch wrote that Raena is "another toothless wonder".
Photos # 15 and # 16 clearly show Raena's teeth.
He goes on to say that her titties are "fake"....yet Sasquatch gives no evidence of this. Often in the past Sasquatch has demanded the "right of free speech".
Yet as you all know that right is a limited is illegal to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theatre. So on Biertijd you can probably get away with a lot of BS but if you keep doing it you will begin to sound just like Hillary...know what I mean???
#2 - Mongodude wrote "I've missed you" about Raena. Yet some time back he said that he was in direct communication with Raena and that they were going to be meeting soon. As correctly stated by GBU:
"Mongodude, is she really as outstanding in person as she looks in photos?"
How about it Mongo, where are the photos of you two holding hands on the beach???
#3 - Mr. Stay Puft wrote: "Who's the dude that used to pontificate about the "elusive pink ass hole"? Surely he's digging this broad." The answer to your question is the "Doctor of Bootology" (although sometimes he spelled it differently). The "Doctor" often claimed to possess a "scratch and sniff" monitor that he could actually smell the model's private parts with. Your statement that follows is an unproven assumption. When patients masturbate excessively they sometimes loose their Internet privileges and are locked up in a "rubber room". So the good "Doctor" may be off the 'Net for awhile...
#4 - peter asks "could they do a shoot where she's just been licked by her lover?"
Well, peter, first of all "they" is "MetArt". And theoretically MetArt could do that. But that is called "Porn" and MetArt would have to pay money to the male performer who serviced her (her "lover"). Also I don't believe that Biertijd would show a male and female together. Because Biertijd will not show it might explain why MetArt would be unwilling to pay a double salary just to have a recently "licked" photo of one female. peter also asks: "are you guys kidding?" No, we're not...we're "Sasquatch", "Lizard", "GBU', etc.....LMAO!!!
#5 - Johnson: Stop playing with your Johnson!!!
#6 - And the BEST comment from yesterday goes to Twodick:
"A photo shoot with the last three girls engaging in hot passionate action would be perfect." And no, I am not Twodick.

And as for today's female: Anybody who writes in that this is the "Most Beautiful Girl
in the World" or some crap like that gets banned from the Internet FOREVER!!!
(Now where did I put my barf bag?)

No spark to this one.

Alweer worden we verwend met een hele
mooie biertijdbabe vind alles mooi aan haar
Een mooi figuurtje mooi gezicht mooie borsten
en een heel mooi poesje wow.

Hey "Foxy", Tijuana is calling. They said to come home. The donkey misses you!

Yes, correcto, I noticed the teeth after my comment. Raena still has no sex appeal, as Peter stated, and I believe the burden is on you to prove the lack of implants!

@ Sasquatch
I have to agree, but don't expect Foxy "not" to disappear any time soon. Apparently Mexico is building a wall just to keep the likes of her out.

Y'all can complain about Foxy all you want; but if I actually came across her putting on the show depicted above. .........well, her "hotness" would go up about a thousand points.

I'm glad you finally spoke up, Mr Correcto. Sounds like a lot of thought went into that diatribe. Good for you! I would love to pontificate thusly, but I'd get blocked forever. As it is, I kinda enjoy my fellow Bier bros/fellow dirty bastards. LOL

Re Raena

I was one of many who was impressed and continues to be impressed by this striking beauty. Just because a girl does not look like a sexpot or slut does not mean she lacks sexuality.

Raena is very comfortable being naked and despite her composed looks at the camera, I'm sure, that with more experience, she may emote more and tickle the fancy of a broader array of gentlemen here. I have been with women who have a similar level of comfort with nudity and they have been absolute tigers in the sack. So take heart gentlemen, when the basic material is there and the comfort level is high, the rolls in the hay are incredible.

A Nice Strip , A Nice Painting , A Nice Chair ...

@Correcto Mundo
Foxy may not be the most beautiful woman in the world but she is by far and away the most beautiful woman in this set. She has a sweet elven look [ picture #16 is my favorite]

Shit, I'm just glad I wasn't in the line of fire of Correcto's AK-47.
As for the girl? Meh.
Tomorrow I'll drop a link to some Jenya pics if the next model is a snoozer.

Now if I got really, REALLY, R=E=A=L=L=Y drunk
could I bang her in a dark room???
Hmmm....I hope that I never find out.

N=E=X=T !

I wonder what happens when you petal that stool?!?

Ha! Or perhaps I should say "pedal"!

English can be such a goofy language.

This is the Most Beautiful Girl in the World!!! (or some crap like that)

I mean, you kinda walked right into that one! ;-D

Dit meiske heeft mooi haar, mooie ogen en benen en een heerlijk poesje. Ook wanneer het licht is wil ik wel de oudste beweging met haar maken.

Awful nipples and it looks like some Tucks medicated pads might be in order for that roughed up two hole.

@ correcto mundo

And you think we will read this crap??? It's a complete book you've written!! Guess it's hrd to come to the point

@ Papa

Are you gay??? You comment like a faggot!!!

@ Today's donkey


The stool distracted me a lot too. I understand why it is put together in this way, but it makes nonsense to have a cog and chain if it is impossible to turn it. Engineering should make sense, and it is no excuse to call it design!
Artwork also not to appealing, for the photoshoot they might have taken the artisan look a step further, give her a brush and paint or something else to play with.

Pity for the nice lady in the picture. Nothing to lament there.

@ correcto miundo,

i just like to see some evidence that a woman is turned on by posing
nude, lubrication is about the most direct sign of that...i do see plenty of
metart shoots where the model appears to be lubricated to the point where
she looks fuckable. for me, this is the point, because what we're fantasizing
about is sex, no?

i don't care how a woman has gotten to the point of looking turned on,
and i don't really want to see guys in there either. sexart does a good job
as long as the fingers are not constantly in the way.

anyway, as far as i'm concerned, just showing it isn't enough, it's nice if
there's some degree of sexuality depicted. and there have been gorgeous
models lately ( mila azul, sofi shane, clarice ) who have displayed this sweet
spot on the net lately. and i'm content with them, and they show the difference
between a smirking poseur and a nude model : ) i was just pointing out that

Puffy nipples, good body, beautiful pussy and tight asshole - on a looks-like-tatar girl.

What a lovely smile and awesome body !!!

It appears "Foxy" is breaking new ground with that 'half-strip' - 'half-patch' thingamado.

Is she trying something new or just not able to correctly control her razor? I've never been a Foxy fan...therefore, NEXT and quickly before someone writes a novel.

I remain...

Almost forgot to comment on the stool.

Is this what they do to bicyclists equipment when they DON'T know how to obey traffic laws in Europe? What happened to the wheels? Isn't that "Art" too?

If they put "Indiana" or "Raena" on that stool I'd pedal to Pluto and back!!!

waar zou die wonen

Hey peter, um.. I'm pretty sure you can find some hardcore, man+hot woman porn with plenty of lubrication and "sexuality on the Internet. Seems quite the waste of time to look for that kind of action here, much less bitch about it when you don't get what you're looking for. Btw, try and fix your <shift> key on your key board. That's the one that capitalizes words.

Her full name is Salty Fox...take a look here:

and have some fun!

Russian Federation. Not Mexico!! I have a soft spot... and a hard spot for Foxy. It seems I am a minority, but I like her face and body and I would happily lay down and give her my hard spot.

hey louie,

if you knew how to turn a woman on, you'd know what a turned-on
woman looks like. i like turned-on women. you don't?



